Bryce Harper Seriously Loves DC

by Sophie Pyle · July 3, 2012

    Bryce Harper is settling well in DC, and hopes to play his entire career here, according to this amazing feature story in the Washington Post about the 19-year-old baseball star.

    A few weeks ago, he told teammate Ryan Zimmerman that he hopes to get a long term contract (Zimmerman signed a 10-year contract extension with the Nationals earlier this year). Bryce is also toying with the idea of living here year-round/through the winter, which only three Nats do.

    Bryce is "living alone in a top-story apartment in Pentagon City, a $9.9 million contract in his pocket and a $20 Weber grill on the balcony. He does his own laundry, except when his father visits. When he is bored, he goes shopping in Georgetown."

    Read the rest HERE.

    [photo from the Dream Gala last month]