Michelle Obama At The National Portait Gallery

by MADELEINE STARKEY · August 26, 2010

    Last Friday, Michelle Obama was immortalized (at least until July 2011) at the unveiling of the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery in the "Americans Now" exhibit.

    According to the National Portrait Gallery, the constitution of this exhibit is:

    “ 'Americans Now,' drawn from the Portrait Gallery’s permanent collection, features individuals prominent in sports, entertainment and other fields of endeavor during the last 10 years. It also reflects the variety of media the Portrait Gallery is now collecting and addresses the museum’s recently established policy of accepting living subjects into the collection.  Individuals represented in this show include: Chuck Close, LL Cool J, Toni Morrison Cormac McCarthy, Willie Nelson, President Barack Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and Martha Stewart."

    Congrats, Mrs. President.  We hope your inclusion in the exhibit is due to your progressive mindset and initiatives, and not just because you're the President's wifey.

    Our adorable First Family [photo via]