What do you guys like to do before bed to end the day with positive vibes?

What do you guys like to do before bed to end the day with positive vibes? TARA: I never ever go to bed without washing my face and brushing my teeth. It’s a major thing for me. It's like a 10-minute routine. I always do a little silent meditation in my bed, thinking about the day. I have a bookend every night and every morning to start and end the day in the same way. It grounds me. JESSIE: I used to have problems sleeping and got in the habit of this entire before-bed routine. Now, I sleep very easily but I still like to do it. I have a diffuser with lavender so I have this very calming scent in my room. I do the same thing as Tara by setting an intention in the morning for how I want my day to go and appreciate what I have ahead of me. At the end of the day, I think about everything I did that day: who I interacted with, who I saw, what felt good, what didn't feel good. It creates a clean slate for the day and you get the chance to feel your life.

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