Saturday - Cheryl Barnes and Richard Belzer

Saturday - Cheryl Barnes and Richard Belzer
Families and children came to the reading and signing of "Woodrow for President: A Tail of Voting, Campaigns and Elections" by best-selling children’s author-and-illustrator team Peter and Cheryl Barnes from 2-4pm, and dove into arts and crafts and a balloon man from Kidville. After this, Law & Order: SVU star and conspiracy theorist, Richard Belzer, signed copies of his new book and hosted a Q&A discussing his investigation on the deaths of iconic Americans in "Dead Wrong: Straight Facts on the Country's Most Controversial Cover-Ups."  Belzer studied the scientific and forensic facts of various government cover-ups, which he concluded are behind the deaths of Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King Jr. and JFK. Guests nibbled on hot burritos and nachos provided by Boloco, a "global wraps" restaurant that is beginning to make a splash in the DC-area. Following the signings on Saturday, Lebanese Taverna featured Middle Eastern tasting plates and a glass of champagne for $12, and an on-site henna tattoo artist. Go HERE for more photos from Saturday! [Richard Belzer] [Cheryl Barnes]
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