3. The iPhone 4S reviews are out

3. The iPhone 4S reviews are out...and they are mostly thumbs up. [Mashable]
Wall Street Journal tech columnist Walter S. Mossberg, for instance, notes the iPhone 4S “isn’t a dramatic game-changer like some previous iPhones.” For that reason, Mossberg recommends that iPhone 4 users don’t rush to upgrade, but download the new iOS instead. “But owners of older iPhone models, or those with basic phones, will find this latest iPhone a pleasure and a good value.” Though Mossberg praises the phone’s “brilliant new camera” and “faster, 4G-class download speeds,” he dubs Siri, the voice-recognizing personal assistant, the “standout feature.” Siri “isn’t perfect, and is labeled a beta, but it has great potential and worked pretty well for me, despite some glitches,” he writes.
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