Rachelle's Reading List: The Weekly Edition

by Rachelle Hruska · April 1, 2016

    It's been a while since I've put together a list of things that I find interesting on the Internet. I stopped doing my daily reading lists and went to a weekly list, and then I just stopped writing it altogether. It wasn't because the list wasn't popular. In many ways, it was the thing I was the most proud of and certainly had people coming back to the site to read (merci!). To be completely honest, it took up a lot of my time and I started disconnecting from my Tumblr reading list (my source of inspiration for the lists). But as my Instagram feed started replacing my Tumblr feed (sorry Karp), and every morning I became more and more obsessed with reading the Skimm for hard news, I started to realize there still wasn't a great roundup of "soft news" that I could find. So I decided to resurrect my reading list, in the hopes that you, like me, spend most Sunday mornings lying in bed looking for something to scroll through once you've gotten through your Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook feeds and have 14 minutes left until you can play another Two Dots game. 

    xo Rachelle

    Here's some things I found interesting enough to compile on my list this week:

    1. LCD Soundsystem reunited after 5 years for two nights at Webster Hall. Tickets were awarded via Lottery..and Luck. My husband casually mentioned we had tickets that we didn't use. WHA?!!!! Him: "I thought you were too sick to move from your bed." Not for LCD. Obviously. I'm hoping that I will catch what the art dealer Jeffery Deitch refers to as "the greatest contemporary band to come out of New York" in Palm Springs, at this April's Coachella.

    2. Speaking of things that are too cool for me to partake in... Teenage Slang. You guys, there are all new words and phrases out there, and if you are still using "bae" you are seriously lame. "It's so outdated, so 2013" says Chloe, the 14-year-old "Brooklynite" that NYMag found was not too "Gucci" enough to sit (Snapchat?) for an interview. 

    3. Oh no he didn'. This article in the Observer, written by former NYC journalist Jacques Hyzagi about his experience working for Elle covering the Comme des Garçons designer, Rei Kawakubo, (aptly titled "Elle on Earth"), has EVERYONE in certain New York Media circles talking

    4. I asked my editor Steph if she knew that Beyonce was designing her own active wear line, IvyPark, with TopShop, and if we were on top of covering it. "Biaaatch we had that up yesterday!" was her response. So there you go, something else I was late to. 

    5. The Sloppy Tuna is officially closing. What's the Sloppy Tuna? Sounds like a dirty lunch sandwich option? For my sophisticated readers (who still summer in South Hampton and Mallorca), The Sloppy Tuna was the hot spot in Montauk each year. It was where Lily Pulitzer-wearing young girls looking to hook up with their own version of Jersey Shore's Vinny would head to in hoards to get their summer on. But their passionate and disgruntled owner, Drew Doscher (srsly - could there be a more fitting name for the owner of the Sloppy Tuna to have?!) took to Facebook this week and announced in a lengthly rant that they won't be opening down on Emerson ave this Summer leaving loads of disgruntled LIRR riders. No news yet on if they've found location number two.

    6. This new pre-fall Gucci ad was all over my Instagram this week. It's seriously "Ode Gucci" (See #2). Photos by Glen Lucford of models in Fur Loafers frolicking with Flamingos? Count me in

    7. "Everything is Copy." It's the words that Nora Ephron's mother relayed to her on her death bed, which became her life's motto, and the title of the new documentary that came out on HBO this week about the writer's life. Written and directed by her son, Jacob Bernstein, it is a gem.

    8. Whoopi Goldberg marketing marijuana for women and their PMS. Whoopi is joining the ranks of Bob Marley and Snoop Dog (who both have lent their names to pot companies).

    The new "Whoopi & Maya" line of marijuana products aims to offer relief to women suffering from cramps and period pain. Soak it in

    9. Frayed Jeans. They are totally on fleek (but not ironically so, see #2, again). Seriously, get your ankles some air this Spring. I'm totally digging THESE and THESE. Or you can just make your own. To be worn with one of my personal embroidery numbers

    10. Are you or someone you know a Dinner Digger? 

    Some girls, in it for money. Some girls, in it for love. Some girls, well, some girls are in it for the food.

    11. Hedi Slimane is leaving Saint Laurent leaving my fashion friends to take to Instagram to pay their condolences. (So heartfelt were their words - posthumously in style - that I legit woke up Friday morning wondering who had passed in the night, Hedi, or Cara Delevingne.) Anthony Vaccarello is rumored to be his successor. Go here for highlights of his top moments at Yves Saint Laurent. 

    12. Who has tried these period panties?! Someone gave me a pair this week and I'm freakin out. A do or a major don't? #helpmedecide. 

    13. Zaha Hadid was NOT a member of the Gigi Hadid #squad. However she was a member of the bad ass bitches who rule the world #squad, and sadly she passed away this week. The very first woman to win the Pritzker Award (the architectural equivalent to the Pulitzer Prize), Zaha was an inspiration to artists, designers, and creators around the world. 

    14. Tesla unveils its "Model 3" car, and it's a big deal.Here are the quick things to know: 

    -The base car (which is electric - duh) will do 0-60 mph in less than 6 seconds, with versions that go "much faster." 

    -The range will be at least 215 miles, but Tesla hopes to exceed those numbers in the final models.

    -All Model 3 cars will include support for Tesla's high-speed Supercharging network. 

    -By the end of 2017, when the Model 3 launches, Tesla says it will have a total of 7,200 Superchargers, double the number available today. 

    -More than 130,000 preorders have come in so far, with that number constantly rising. 


    15. What happens when you let your mom run your Tinder account. One man's journey into the unknown.

    16. In Kardashian/Kanye news that you don't care about but secretly do, how funny is this photo? And, because I'd like to end on something totally shameful and irrelevant - but also something to remind you about the strange times we live in (and keep you coming back for more), check out this photo making the rounds this week:

    So there's my week in "soft" news. Thanks for tuning in.