5. Is Your Food Gay?
5. Is Your Food Gay? [NYT]
What's trending right now? Gay food vs. straight food. Thanks to Simon Doonan's new book "Gay Men Don't Get Fat," dieters everywhere can jump on a new bandwagon: eating like they're gay to get thin.
The NYT's sat down with the author today to learn about the differences between gay food and straight food.
“Gay chips are baked,” he said. “Straight chips are deep-fried. It’s that simple.” The way he sees it, gay food is lighter and brighter. It feels art-directed, not just tossed together and deep-fried, with an attention to aesthetic and dietary detail. “Gay foods are more decorative; they’re more frivolous,” he said. “The macaron craze is the ne plus ultra of gay fooderie. I can’t believe any red-blooded straight guy can even walk into a macaron shop. If you wanted to ruin a politician’s career, just publish a picture of him shopping for macarons.”While I like the catchy concept, there are going to be some obvious holes in his theory. Like telling my straight, red-blooded husband to stay away from those gay macarons he adores.