5. Most expensive domain of 2012: Sold! To a site that sounds like shit. Literally

5. Most expensive domain of 2012: Sold! To a site that sounds like shit. Literally. [TC] Sedo, the domain name marketplace operator, brokered the biggest domain name sale of the year this morning. Website name: dudu.com Pricetag: $1million Sounds like: DooDoo.com Sold to: DUDU Communications, a Dubai-based social networking service provider. Proves that: People in Dubai really do have more money than they know what to do with. Said Alibek Issaev, chairman of DUDU:
“With the purchase of dudu.com, we will be able to match our platform’s brand with the exact domain name we need, and migrate from using godudu.com to this shorter version. This purchase means we don’t lose important traffic, and at the same time we ensure that visitors from around the globe will remember our brand’s name.”
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