10. Stars! They're just like us! Reese's lovely love story

10. Stars! They're just like us! Reese's lovely love story. [NYP] Apparently Reese Witherspoon met her current husband because his drunk, annoying friend was hitting on her! How....normal of her!
“This really drunk guy was hitting on me, making such an idiot of himself, yelling at me,” says Witherspoon, 35, in Elle’s February cover story. “He was like [slurring, scowling, pointing finger in her face], ‘You don’t know me.’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, I know. I don’t know you!’ Jim came over and said, ‘Please excuse my friend. He’s just broken up with someone.’ And I remember thinking, his friend is such an ass, what a jerk. And that Jim was a really good friend, pulling him out of that situation.” She married Toth, an agent who reps Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey, Jr. and Matthew McConaughey, last March.
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