The Science of Yoga

The Science of Yoga [NYTimes] Following the article on the dangers of Yoga that knocked several yogi-heads out of their zen zones, the Times has an article on all of the amazing benefits of practicing yoga! Hurray! We can all go back to our blissful downward dogs!
In “The Science of Yoga,” William J. Broad brings something unusual to his subject: an open mind. Broad, the book’s biographical note informs us, has practiced yoga since 1970. Broad’s objective is simple enough: to evaluate in scientific terms the claims made for yoga. But this turns out to be more complicated than it seems. For one thing, there are the sheer number and variety of those claims: yoga, it is said, can prevent heart disease, reverse aging, eliminate pain, and bestow serenity and peace.Yes, yoga can reduce anxiety and improve mood. No, it won’t help the overweight shed pounds. Yes, it may actually slow the body’s biological clock.
[Photo via]
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