5. Fortune's 40 Under 40 List Only Includes Five Women

5. Fortune's 40 Under 40 List Only Includes Five Women. Not to mention a misleading cover. This is disappointing. [The Atlantic] Go HERE to see the full list [Fortune]
Fortune's 40 Under 40 has found and ranked the world's the hottest young stars and keeping the trend of women being underrepresented in such ranking exercises, it's almost entirely dudes. "They're innovators, disrupters, and job creators; in fact, it's a pretty safe bet you're going to be working for them someday -- if you aren't already," writes Fortune. It turns out almost all of these "innovators" are male. Dudes make up 34 of the 40 rankings, and the number's actually higher than that because the list includes multiple male duos. The set has a whopping five women. Fortune tries to distract you from its choices with a clever cover. A third of the women on Fortune's 40 Under 40 are on the cover. That's not because they crammed a bunch of ladies into the shot. Fortune chose to flank the balding egg-head, Spotify CEO Daniel EK, with two of its six lady choices: Google Vice President Marissa Mayer and CNN's Erin Burnett. One blonde and one brunette for the hairless innovator.
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