Tay Miserables

Tay Miserables. Taylor Swift has beat out Lea Michele for the role of Eponine in the upcoming movie musical version of Les Miserables and there are unhappy people out there: [BestWeekEver]
I KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TRYING TO DO, TOM HOOPER. You think that by putting Taylor in your movie, more young people will sign on to see it. And you may be right. But guess what? She will ruin the greatest work of art of our time. Look what little Nick Jonas did at the concert. He sucked the life out of every scene that he was in by inserting that nasal, Disney, ball-not-yet-dropped singing voice into every song he was given. I fear this is exactly what will happen if Taylor joins the cast of this long-awaited movie. Especially when you consider that Mr. Hooper intends on having the actors singing live on set. Taylor’s a nice enough gal, but she won’t nail this. I secretly wish the movie would have been made up of the lesser known stage performers who have given their lives over to the work. Now the real question: Who would make a good Eponine? Lea Michele seems the obvious choice, however I don’t think the world would be prepared for how obnoxious she’d be if she landed this role of a lifetime. Debbie Reynolds would be perfect but her hips are likely too fragile. My friend Zulkey proposes “every girl at summer camp,” and she’s right. Can Natalie Portman sing? (God, I hope not.)
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