A Drunk Woman Accused of Rubbing Butt, Punching, Peeing on $30M Painting

This just in from the Denver post: A drunk woman accused of rubbing butt, punching, peeing on $30M painting. [Denver Post via TDW] So, this happened:
A 36-year-old woman attempting to add a touch of postmodernism to Clyfford Still’s abstract expressionist artwork is said to have caused $10,000 worth of damage to “1957-J no.2” (above) after she scratched and punched the oil-on-canvas painting, and rubbed it on her butt. According to Denver District Attorney’s Office spokeswoman, Carmen Tisch urinated after soiling the piece with her backside, but “[i]t doesn’t appear she urinated on the painting or that the urine damaged it.” The 9-1/2-feet tall and 13-feet wide painting is valued at $30 million.
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