Mr. Big, Carrie, Aidan

Mr. Big, Carrie, Aidan
All life lessons can be found in an episode of "Sex and The City." Carrie Bradshaw's Mr. Big may hold the world record for the highest number of dumpings a character successfully executed and still managed to get the girl in the end, which once again proves The Chuck Bass Theorem. Mr. Big is definitely the bad guy when compared to Carrie's other consistent suitor, Aidan, the charming but down-to-earth furniture designer. He is the token good guy who says all the right things and takes all the right steps toward the white picket fence and two car garage. So why does he never compare to Mr. Big? This brings us to another reason why the bad guy is the right guy. The bad guy gets what the bad guy wants, not only the girl. Mr. Big had it all. He could always appear at the most opportune moments in that black town car, while yellow cabs were Aidan's preferred method of travel. Mr. Big put the grand in grand gesture. He could book The New York Public Library for their wedding, fly to Paris to win her back, and slip a Manolo Blahnik glass slipper onto her foot. More often then not, the guy whom you call "bad" will be the type of guy who goes after what he wants and never takes no for an answer, from women, to career, to dinner reservations. The nice guy, nine times out of ten, will be your prototypical pushover. Who's arm would you rather be on? [Photo via]
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