Eric, Sookie, Bill

Eric, Sookie, Bill
"True Blood's" supernatural love quandary is the third piece of evidence in support of the Chuck Bass Theorem. The good guy keeps his skeletons hidden in a closet where they can't damage his squeaky clean reputation, quite literally in the case of "True Blood." In season 1, Bill is introduced as the gentleman vampire - debonair, soft spoken, classically handsome, and all with that homegrown accent. He is supposed to be part of the advanced breed of vampires who don't walk on the wild side. Eric, on the other hand, might as well be Satan. He is the leader of an unsavory ring of vampires who abide in an underground strip club. There is not a scene of "True Blood" where we don't see Eric for who he is, which is a blood thirsty vampire. Sookie first falls in love with Bill, believing he is a good, and is heart broken to discover his diabolic side. From that moment on, their entire relationship has been built on a lie. When she falls in love with Eric later in the season, she falls knowing full well who he is. When you fall for the bad guy, you already know about his indiscretions. This principle will save you, unlike Sookie, from any possible devastation when the good guy can't live up to the impossibly high standard they've set. [Photo via]
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