Single In The City: The 7 Deadly Sins Of Dating

Are you sabotaging your chances at love without even knowing it? Sometimes dating is pure joy and yes, basking in the thrill of meeting a potential Mr. Right can be exciting and energizing. But other times, dating is a chore. It's discouraging. After meeting so many people, shouldn't you should have clicked with someone by now? How come your relationships don't last (or worse, even get started?)

According to Josie Brown and Martin Brown, authors of The Complete Idiot's Guide To Finding Mr. Right and co-editorial directors for the internationally syndicated column John Gray's Mars Venus Advice, you might be sabotaging your chances of finding love without knowing it. In their book, Brown and Brown outline seven ways you could be getting in the way of your own happiness. If you recognize yourself in the list below, consider doing a little soul-searching so you can get out of your dating rut and back on the path to finding The One.

See also: [If You Work One Of These 5 Jobs, Your Love Life Probably SUCKS] [10 Subtle Secrets French Women Use To Seduce Men] [10 Sly Ways To Say 'I Love You' Without Ever Having To Use The L-Word]

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