The Best Downtown Restaurants For Uptown People

We already know why those of us who are uptowners chose to put down roots north of 59th Street. The refined, old-school establishment that takes form in the UES and UWS simply cannot be found downtown (not to mention that quiet is an actual, livable experience up here). But for all the lovely elements that uptown gives us, from Museum Mile and Central Park to more Sarabeth's and Sant Ambroeuses than actually necessary, there are also certain downsides.

Uptown's rep generally classifies it as inhabited by families or those on the better side of 50. The transition downtown can be a shock for some (so overstimulating! so loud! so many people with plaid button-downs and weird hair!). To help make your journey to the south of Manhattan easier, we've rounded up some of our favorite places that'll transition you to the 'other' neighborhood as smoothly as possible.