[via Inhabitat]
Holy cow. You're looking at the latest renderings of "Clinton Park," the latest building in the works in NYC that may actually convince all of us to move to Hell's Kitchen. Enrique Norten is in the midst of creating this gem which will provide some much-needed green space to the concrete jungle on the west side. And be the talk of the town for months. Click below for more....
"The building’s design is incredibly conscientious of its residential neighbors with a “tall side” that faces a telephone switching tower and a “short side” that faces a nearby park. The disparate urban scales became an important agenda item for the architecture team to reconcile and resulted in the stepped terrace. The poetic reasons for the design move are sure to please the sensibilities of designers and landscape historians alike, but we love that it created several rooftop garden for the residents of the attached units. Fortunately, the architects didn’t forget the rest of the building’s inhabitants: the gliding down of apartment units also created two large open terraces that, in the rendering, seem to be designated public space."