The Old Tontine Coffee House

Old Tontine Coffee Shop

Known more famously as the birthplace of the New York Stock Exchange, the Old Tontine Coffee house is located at the northwest corner of Wall and Water. Unfortunately, the Old Tontine was demolished after the Great Fire of 1835, but it is still a cool spot to check out if you have the time. It is rumored that the day before his infamous duel, Hamilton was yucking it up with some Federalist homies at the Old Tontine and discussing the upcoming showdown. Hamilton, along with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, frequented the coffee shop in the late 1790s. After his death, a handwritten paper flyer was hung in the window of the Old Tontine to commemorate and honor one of the country’s greatest legal and political minds. How did they manage without texting? 

[Photo via N.Y. Public Library]

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