P. Diddy and J.Lo Turn Bonnie and Clyde

It's hard to think of J.Lo in any other way than mothering the most adorable twins and refusing to age. However, it wasn't always about American Idol and Puerto Rican pride for Jenny from the Block. In 1999, J.Lo got caught up in quite the controversy with then boyfriend Sean Combs, otherwise known as Puff Daddy or P. Diddy. Long story short, there was an altercation at a nightclub involving Diddy, a man named "Scar," and multiple gun shots. J.Lo and P.Diddy were quick to flee, with champagne in hand, but were soon arrested leaving the scene with a gun in the trunk of their Lincoln Navigator. Luckily, J.Lo was quickly absolved from any involvement in the crimes and was able to continue her life of crop tops and the perfect smoky-eye. 

[Photo via @linzyclaire]

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