Little League Legend

Little League

The twelve year old on the opposing Little League team that's taller than your ex-boyfriend and knows how to throw a baseball faster than you're able to make it to Victoria Secrets Semi-Annual Sale - yeah, I know, I'm calling bullshit on that too. In 2001, Danny Almonte made national headlines as a baseball phenomenon. Moving to the Bronx from the Dominican just a year earlier, Almonte crushed the egos of 12 year old boys everywhere as he threw a perfect game in the Little League World Series. His 78 m.p.h. fastball got him a key to the city, a handshake from President Bush, and an introduction at Yankee Stadium. However, hell hath no fury like a Little League team scorned. After speculation of this mini Sammy Sosa, Sports Illustrated began to raise questions about the authenticity of Almonte's age. Ultimately the Dominican government confirmed that the superstar was actually 14 years old, not 12. While some would say that Almonte's game was still impressive, his deceit got him ignored in the Major League draft and left him as an assistant couch for sandlot teams. You know what they say -- those we can't do teach. Those we can't teach coach baseball. However, Almonte eventually ended up marrying a 30 year old woman in high school, so it's hard to say who the real (base)baller here is. 

[Photo via @tarylljackson]

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