@HauteNights, I met this guy out and he seemed really cool. He wasn’t really my type but he was really persistent. I gave him a chance and went out on a couple of dates. One night we got really drunk and we slept together. I barely remember much of it but from what I recall it was good. Now he keeps avoiding me and not responding to my texts. After all the effort he put in, I really thought he was different. Are all guys assholes? Should I just become a lesbian now? Rachel
Rachel, It really all comes down to timing. If you catch a guy at a time when he feels he wants a relationship then he’ll probably wife you up, if he likes you enough. If you catch him while he’s in party mode he might just view you as a good time and nothing more. What you’ve under estimated is just how far some guys will go to get laid. Some men will not rest until they have gotten you into bed. Then all of their interest will evaporate the second they orgasm. Believe me I know plenty of guys like this, and they are nice people outside of their unscrupulous bedroom habits. In the future just be cautious and make them wait it out. The longer you make them wait the more time you have to gauge their true intentions. If they are shady they are bound to slip up and reveal themselves eventually. As far as becoming a lesbian I can assure you dating women in this city can be just as confusing and annoying. So don’t give up on boys just yet. More often then not their actually less of a headache.
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