Bottle Girl

@Hautenights, I’m a bottle girl at really hip spot in the city. My question for you is why are all promoters so cheap? You guys do know we work for tips right? All of you must either be really cheap or ignorant. My money is on both. Sexy Bottle Girl You’ll Never Have
SBGYNH, Whoa. I will ignore the obvious hostility in that question and try to answer that for you. Before I do, I just want to state that I have plenty of bottle server friends. I appreciate what you do and the constant sexual harassment you have to put up with. Having said that, what you have to realize is that were not your customer. We’re your co-workers. I don’t really see why we have to pay you for handing us a bottle. I never ask the servers to make drinks nor would I want you to in the first place. You’re not taking into account the clients we bring to the club that are spending money. You’re also failing to realize that without us you wouldn’t make any money. The reason why any guy is willing to walk into a club and drop ten grand of which you’ll make 20% is that we have filled the club up with girls. They aren’t here because you make the best cranberry vodka in town. Any good promoter knows to tip the bus boys first. They are the ones carrying huge buckets of ice through the crowd. They are the ones having to navigate through drunken idiots dancing wildly carrying everyone’s empty glasses. Because they aren’t a hot chick is a tiny cocktail dress most people are not jumping to get out of their way. A well placed twenty to the bus boy will go a long way in getting my table taken care of. Meanwhile whether I tip you or not your priority is the table spending money, which is where it should be. So before you jump down our throats remember that without us there wouldn’t be a party. Then you wouldn’t make any money for looking good in a cocktail dress and heels. So play nice. Thanks.
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