The drunken hookup is what people fear.

Isaac Likes Jenny, Isaac Hindin-Miller, Jenny AlbrightI: If you're in a committed relationship you don't do shit like that, you know? And if you do do shit like that, you shouldn't be with the person you're with or that person definitely shouldn't be with you. J: And you'll do it outside the club too. You'll do it anywhere. How would you suggest someone meet someone at one of your parties? I: I mean, I feel like we all like to be approached, don't we? J: I don't want to meet a guy at a club. I: Yeah but that's not to say you don't want to have somebody talk to you at a club. J: No because you're out there with your friends already, and you might be with a guy you like already...actually it's the worst because you can't hear what anyone's saying.
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