Do you think it's harder to date for people in nightlife?

Isaac Likes JennyJ: I don't think with us, because we've been going out together for so long. I've never met anybody at the club. I would never go to the club to meet guys, and I don't think you would go to meet girls... I: Definitely not. I always ask people about their relationships because I'm so fascinated by relationships, I always ask extremely nosy questions. And I remember this girl saying to me 'I date this guy, he's a DJ so it's kind of difficult. There are always girls around him.' I was like, there girls and guys around everybody, it doesn't matter if you work in nightlife, it doesn't matter if you work in an office. I think working in an office has more opportunities to cheat than any other situation because you're in such close proximity with people. You get to know them a little bit, you spend more time with them than you do with your husband or wife, you know? And so I think there are opportunities for anyone to stray or whatever, and I don't think working in nightlife...yeah it's heightened I guess because there's drugs and alcohol involved, it's late nights, but I've never met anyone in a club. I think in a nightclub when there's loud music, you can't even have conversations with people. J: I don't think she's worried about the conversations (laughs). I: Totally, totally.
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