How do you select the artists to show work here?

We find them. We have friends who say you should check out this person. I do look for design-focused things. I like to create environments. In my dream world it’s always an installation like this (Richard Clarkson: Tiny Cloud), and I’m always involved in the installing part. I have a really good friend Katy Haden who was our gallery curator before she moved to LA, and she sends me stuff all the time. She sent me the link to Richard Clarkson, and I wrote him an email. But just by looking; I will often go on walks in the middle of the day for 3 hours at least once a week, and look at everything, and it’s great being in Soho. To look at everything you can see and look in the galleries and take it all in. Brion Isaacs, Richard Clarkson [Brion Isaacs, Richard Clarkson]
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