Do you think the context in which art is presented gives it distinction?

No because you can put a lot of context in design, in fact a lot of people do. I think it’s a lot of fluff. I always, since I was a kid, wanted to make something that just looks good. That’s all that I believe in. I don’t care what it means, I want to look at something every day and be like ‘I love that.’ I always find myself thinking about these things way more than I probably should. See I live in a blissful world where I don’t think about things that much. I look at them; I appreciate them. I’m a visual person, and for me art is visual. I totally accept there are other types that are interesting to other people. Some of the best things I’ve come up with or ideas have been based around just that they would be cool. And for some reason [in the art world] that’s not welcomed, that concept of just doing it for the sake of doing it. It’s like 'what’s your reasoning, why would you do this'…and it’s because I think it would be visually impacting. Rivington Design House
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