Do you think there's something more intrinsically human about tribal art that's made by and for the people as opposed to modern contemporary art?

Do you think there's something more intrinsically human about tribal art that's made by and for the people as opposed to modern contemporary art?
Look, you can spend 20 million dollars on a 30-year old’s painting. And yeah, he or she might be a great artist, but you can also buy a fetish Songe sculpture from the Congo, and this sculpture was made by a guy who at 3-years old was chosen to be a carver. He was an apprentice his whole life, and he was also a shaman, a healer. Then after doing it for 80 years, he became a master carver. Then, boom, he dies. Then piece is carried on, worshipped and touched for hundreds of years--all this psychic energy going into it, and suddenly you have this on your dining table. It has some power, you know? It has real juju. It’s really a great investment. Also, as the great Picasso's and Van Gogh's are unaffordable now, I believe that real, authentic tribal art, because there’s only so much of it, will get more and more valuable. So if you’re smart, and you can get the guidance of a good dealer, and get a good art piece, it’s just going to go up in value. [Photo via]
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