What advice would you give to an amateur collector?

What advice would you give to an amateur collector?
I would say that the amateur collector should come to a show like this. We're really solid dealers with tons of experience and sophisticated taste. So you need to find a dealer who you like, who knows the business and who's honest. Tribal art is something you really need guidance on when you're going into it. It also takes some time to develop your eye, because there are a lot of nuances of quality. Like, with African art, there's "surface," you have to deal with. Let's say a mask - you're able to discern why this is a real surface rather than a fake surface, why this was done by a master carver versus a carver that wasn't really that good. All these things come into play, and you need a dealer to help you see that, and then the more you see it, the more you can develop your own eye and choose for yourself.   Madison Ancient & Tribal Art Show May 10-16 Arader Gallery, 1016 Madison Ave [Photo via]
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