
[Photo via] Winners/Losers So all this talk of debating means someone has to come out a winner, right? Kind of. A summary: -The atmosphere of the debate was more relaxed and led to some meaningful discussions rather than the yelling and finger-pointing that typically occur when the debates are held with podiums. -The 9-9-9 plan is bold, but will not gain traction if the impromptu polling by Santorum is anything to go by. -Ron Paul needed more screentime. -Newt Gingrich needed less. -Herman Cain needs to remember the things he says, but aside from looking like a stick in the mud at this debate, it doesn't look like he'll lose too much in poll numbers. -Romney was calm, polished, and his body language was less stiff than usual. He answered most of the questions, but deflected anything he didn't want to answer. -Perry looked uncomfortable and faltered at certain points in the debate and probably lost points from this particular debate. -Aside from creepily reminding us that she has 28 kids (five biological, 23 foster), Bachmann's quip about the 9-9-9 plan was probably enough to keep her standing in the polls. -Huntsman finally showed some personality and could've gained a lot more ground in the race, but between Romney, Perry, and Cain, he doesn't look like a top contender even though he moved his campaign headquarters to New Hampshire in the weeks before this debate. So who do you think won?
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