Jon Huntsman's daughters' defense

Daughterly duty While Huntsman was too much of a gentleman to sling attacks at other candidates at the roundtable discussion, his daughters were not afraid to step up to the task. Under the Twitter name @Jon2012Girls, his older daughters Liddy, Abby, and Mary Anne tweeted throughout the debate. Some highlights include: -"We would buy a $9.99 pizza. Sounds like Godfather pizza just found their new fall ad." -"When is someone going to make a song about 9-9-9? We will start working on one. Get ready." -"How does Romney know anything about China? He's only been there once and that was for the Olympics. Panda express doesn't count." And adding to the fray is NY Times columnist Nick Kristof, who tweeted, "It's odd to see Republicans struggling to find an electable candidate.They have 1: Jon Huntsman. They just don't like him." A candidate who believes in science as fact? Of course, they don't like him. [Photo via]
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