

What it is: A tiny bird, about six inches long and weighing less than an ounce, captured alive, stuck in a small cage, force-fed until it is four times its normal size, then drowned in brandy, specifically Armagnac. Do we have your attention?

Then, the bird is roasted whole for six to eight minutes, brought to the table, and you eat it. Being a civilized person in a civilized country (we think France, where it comes from, is a civilized country…), you would at least believe you’d go at it with a fork and knife, but no, you’re supposed to eat the bird whole, bones and all. The only chance you get at not looking completely barbaric is the fact that you’re supposed to cover your mouth with a napkin while you bite into it, leaving the head and beak out of your mouth to fall on to the plate.

Gives a whole new meaning to drunken chicken.

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