The Diet

Healthy EatingHow many times have you intended to eat healthy, and ended up telling yourself subbing brown rice on the Chipotle burrito would suffice. Clean eating is peaches (without cream) in theory but so difficult in practice. JH: It is only because we are not aware of what we eat, especially in the comfort food-filled winter months. Food has shifted from such a personal process to one that is now mindless. Change that by writing down what you eat for a few days. Even take pictures to help you better judge portion size. Not only will this allow you cut out the junk food because it’s been tracked but it could help stave off hunger as simply remembering what you eat at the previous meal can keep hunger at bay. Then lay out a goal at the beginning of each week that you want to accomplish, even if it is just drinking more water or having one more serving of fruits/vegetables per day. Habits take time to form, most can’t go from 0 to 100 real quick. Go from 0 to 10, you’ll see success, and then maybe you can jump from 10 to 40. Just keep making progress. [Photo via @ymatsuo]
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