Smart working tips to have less eye strain

Eye exercises, use of eye drops, and more

It is a fact that our eye blinking rate decreases significantly (up to five times less!) while working and staring at a computer screen. This can lead to dry eyes. It is important to recognize this and take a full blink (actually close your eyes) every 15-20 minutes while staring at your monitor. Also, the use of non-preserved artificial tear drops available at most drug stores should be considered to keep your eyes moist and comfortable.

Good posture with correct screen placement, correct distance

Keep your screen slightly below your line of sight for greater eye muscle comfort. Ensure your screen distance is at arm’s length to avoid added strain on your focusing system.

How often should we take breaks?

Take regular breaks every 20 minutes and view something in the distance (about 20 feet away) for 20 seconds, eg. letters on a poster across a room. AKA the “20/20/20 Rule”.

Many people don’t have the proper office desk and chair at home

Sitting at a table with proper posture and maintaining the advice provided above (screen at fingertip distance just below the line of sight) coupled with avoiding any glare from window light either in front or behind you is best. And last, for those that do not have a dedicated prescription and/or pair of glasses for this specific task need to consider it… After all, you don’t go running in your high heels!

[Photo via @ronitziegler]

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