If You Want To Clear Your Mind & Speak Your Truth
The Crystals: Azurite, Aqua Aura Quartz, Celestite, Lapis Lazuli, Amazonite
Who: Those who need to face their fears without hesitation, confront others with a clear, non-aggressive way of communication, and seek resolution to the problems bottled within. Get rid of the negativity!
Blue, Bleu, Blu: no matter how you spell it, any crystal of blue is a spirit junkie's go-to for clarity and expressing themselves in a calm, concise and compassionate way. The best way to make use of these high-energy stones? Give yourself 30 minutes in the morning, start by grabbing a pen, a piece of paper and your chosen crystal. In your non-writing hand, hold your crystal, and begin the process of free writing. Don't think. Trust the process. Write, write, write! Get rid of your inner judgments and tap into your consciousness. Write until you've filled the page with all that's been left unsaid and rip it up. Do not save it. Clear your mind with each and the truth shall set you free. Best when done a few times per week.
[Photo via @energymuse]