
OK, we obviously have to address this chick's musical alter-ego ASAP. Heather apparently goes by "Razzlekhan" and has a serious passion for rappin'. In a rather dubious personal statement on her, um, "rapper" website, she calls herself "the infamous Crocodile of Wall Street," and says, "more fearless and more shameless than ever before, she's taking on everyone from big software companies to healthcare to finance bros." 

Incredibly, that is not all. Her bio continues, "Just like her fearless entrepreneurial spirit and hacker mindset, Razz shamelessly explores new frontiers of art, pushing the limit of what's possible. Whether that leads to something wonderful or terrible is unclear; the only thing that's certain is it won't be boring or mediocre."

Clearly not!

[Photos via @razzlekhan]

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