It can improve trust and the quality of your relationship.

Honesty and communication are the foundations of a solid relationship, and that's especially true when it comes to money. Euriteg said she's seen major strain in relationships that resulted from one or both partners hiding aspects of their finances.

For example, one couple she consulted with had very different ideas about spending.

"Rather than confronting this dynamic in their relationship, the man started hiding some of his spendings, which led to a breakdown in the trust in the relationship when the woman found out," Euriteg told us. "By the time they came to see me, there were a lot of negative feelings in addition to financial stress."

She told them that although it might sound strange coming from a financial planner, she felt the best thing for the couple was to go on a vacation together to reconnect.

"Emotionally, I'd say it's helpful to approach finances as a team instead of feeling isolated and alone with it," Euriteg said.

[Photo via Reshot]

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