It keeps a small problem from becoming a giant problem.

When a couple isn't talking about money, there's a good chance it can snowball out of control.

Martinez shared a story about a man who managed the family finances. His wife wasn't in interested the details of their finances so they did not discuss them as a couple. But their credit card balances slowly increased year after year. Martinez said the husband "didn't see it as a problem because the 'next' promotion would fix things."

But then the 2008 recession hit, and the couple's minimum credit card payments had jumped to $2,500 per month. Because the couple never talked about finances, their troubles came as a huge shock to the husband's wife.

"He had to admit to his wife they were two weeks from bankruptcy," Martinez said.

Fortunately, the couple managed to work it out and get themselves out of debt, she said. Now, they both keep an eye on their spending from week to week, a practice she says is essential for couples.

[Photo via Reshot]

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