In Defense Of Sequins

by Christie Grimm · December 20, 2019

    Considering you clicked on this article, I figure I'm safe to assume you already appreciate the aesthetic value of a good sequin. At the very least, you're open-minded and sequin-curious, which I've got to say, is a great, if not the best, audience to be catering to. 

    And equally good news to even the most statement shy amongst you, as this is a safe space. A space where the very magic of sequins, as well as the potential risks be both acknowledged.

    I won't deny the dangerous line one all too inevitably treads between disco chic and suburban cheap. And I won't deny the overly obvious, omnipresence of such a sartorial choice on New Year's Eve, of all nights - a holiday when metallics and peacocking fabrics reign supreme as a sea of similarly dressed girls teeter round in high heels and vie to be noticed.

    But then again, sure you may judge them, but can you blame them? Who deep deep down, when getting dressed for an evening out, doesn't have the smallest desire to dress in such a way that draws an eye. Sure, there are those who opt for a more Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy simplistic style. And save my penchant for fur handbags and silly shoes, I too find myself fitting all too neatly into this streamlined, solid color driven category. But still, where's the danger in having a little fun? In dressing up in a fashion that's definitely not your average day-walking ensemble. In putting on something that says, even in just a little whisper, "Hey, how's about looking at me?" Something that'll have you catching the light and throwing it back like a dancing disco ball.

    So come on - live on the edge. After all, there really is no better evening to take a shiny chance than this, the night of hopeful, never to be met resolutions, and sloppy settled-for kisses.

    All I'll say is perhaps consider a less popular piece. Slinky tank dresses and tighter than second-skin mini skirts need never apply, you see. No matter how expensive they may be, you'll feel like a cheap plastic scaled fish flopping about on land.

    There is an art to sequined dressing, after all. So consider instead a sequin turtleneck, long midi skirt, or statement shoes. But whatever you do, don't be ashamed to sparkle.

    [Photo via]