Don't make snarky comments because of a miscommunication

American Apparel

The biggest pet peeve of probably everyone who's worked at a large retail store is getting looked down upon and rudely treated. Yes, you are shopping and I am working, but why does that automatically mean that you are in a better place than I am? The snarky comments people make under their breathe about how I would be able to understand better if I went to college (true story) all because I legitimately didn't hear what they said at the cash register can ruin a day. What people don't realize is that most retail associates are actually college students trying to earn extra cash or save up for the overwhelming amounts of student loans they're about to be slammed with. I have so many words for this, but I'll leave it at it's incredibly uncalled for, so leave the comments at home.

[Photo via @americanapparelusa]

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