What To Ditch

Worn Out
Anything stained, worn out or irreparably damaged.

Sentimental styles that you no longer wear. If you absolutely can't get rid of the dress you wore when you got engaged, put it in storage. Having it in your closet only creates clutter and blocks your more wearable items.

Doesn’t Fit
Clothes that are too big or too small, and won't fit within the next 3 months. If you're actively fluctuating and realistically expect to return to a certain size soon, consider keeping something you love (if it will be seasonally appropriate by then). Otherwise it will only discourage you, plus by next season you'll likely be ready for an update anyway.

No style is worth keeping if it doesn’t actually look good on YOU.

If something is too uncomfortable to wear, you’re not earning your money back by looking at it on the hanger. Make room for a piece that's gorgeous AND wearable!

[Photo via Unsplash]

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