
So there are two types of people who go to Dartmouth: the crunchy, granola type and the fratty, WASPy type. And sometimes they're at odds, for sure. Like the bros throw themed frat parties and the hippies protest them for somehow being offensive. Bros throw beer pong tournaments and hippies refuse to attend because it's not craft beer and Red Solo cups are bad for the environment. Bros do body shots off of sorority girls and the hippies get pissed because they're literally treating women like objects by using them as human flasks. But one thing they all have in common? They're super white (even the ones with bullshit Native American heritage who only said that to have an easier time getting admitted, don't think I don't see you!) and no one back home has heard from them for four years because they're stranded in East Bumfuck, New Hampshire and refuse to leave because traveling is the worst. Whatever, they're way too obsessed with Dartmouth to leave anyways. 

[Photo via @dartmouthcollege]

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