
Other people from Ivies (and Top 50 schools) shit on you all the time because you're "the worst Ivy." And what evidence do they have to back this up? You have a higher acceptance rate. But if these other schools are so much smarter than you, then they would know that acceptance rates are hardly an accurate litmus test for how good a school actually is. Also, you try getting prospective applicants to live all the way upstate for four years! But we digress. You actually got a really good education at Cornell because they have an awesome core curriculum and you need to work hard for a decent GPA, whereas at Harvard you just need to have a pulse to get passable grades. You also had a lot of fun partying up there because people that go to Cornell actually have well-rounded social skills and didn't spend four years of high school solely studying their asses off or buying their way into a top tier school* so they have no idea how the real world works. Honestly, you're probably one of the best Ivies (controversial thing to say, I know!) but you still can get defensive. A word of advice? Relax about that because you're just making yourself look worse by being overly-sensitive about the whole thing. 

*St. Paul's, do you at least want me to mention you here?

[Photo via @cornelluniversity]

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