Can you speak to some of your "no waste" initiatives?

DeBolt: Yes! We felt like, to open a business in 2020 meant we had to consider our impact on the planet. Sustainability should be at the core of a business, not an after-thought. The statistics are staggering— for example, every hairdresser generates 2 pounds of waste every day. 

We decided to partner with Green Circle, a salon-specific recycling program. In partnership with Green Circle, we can recycle and repurpose 95% of what would previously pollute our landfills and waterways. For example, we send them the bits of color left in each bowl after application (previously washing down the drain into our water supply) and they are able to extract raw materials used to create steel! We send them our hair clippings and they use them to create hair mats that they send to parts of the world to help clean oil spills— isn’t that amazing! During quarantine we met with our team often and hosted a training with Green Circle. I am so happy that we are doing this and it's something our entire team is so proud of.

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