Another person who addresses those issues is Miley Cyrus, someone you famously wrote a song about. What does she represent to you?

CB: She's interesting, I love her and I don't, because before Dead Petz came out she was kind of mellowing out and focusing inwards and trying to do something important with her huge influence. She started a foundation called Happy Hippie which was like a safe home for trans youth, but she's like the biggest enigma because the next day she'll put on fake dreads and call people trannies. So I think to our generation what she's doing is she's just opening questions and making people uncomfortable but for a purpose.

When we came out with that song there was a little bit of backlash because people were like 'why would you elevate her voice, even though she's sometimes nice she's awful and she does all these things,' and we were like she's not awful, she's a human being and she's presenting herself imperfectly, which is something so important and not a lot of pop stars do. I don't think the idea is to love everything you do. Because we often associate pop stars with gods, and what Miley is doing is saying I'm not a god, so yeah I'm going to do wrong things and thats part of being human in the public eye.

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