Well in addition to music, you also started a zine, Boyzine.

CB: Yeah, I started it around this time last year, and it's something fun for me to do when I'm not on tour, I'd like to do more of it honestly. Basically what it is...it's a way for me to interact with friends of mine, and open up a conversation and a dialogue about where you can place yourself if you're a cis, white, het boy in terms of social activism. Basically I'm trying to use my influence, for what it's worth, to elevate voices of people who aren't as privileged as I am. So I try to synthesize articles from marginalized people and then also from guys in my perspective, just about boyhood, and becoming a man in the 21st century, whatever that means, and how you should interact with other people. It's very freeform, and it covers a lot of things. The idea was to synthesize feminism on an introductory level for boys, but it's become more than that. 

[Cole Becker via @swmrs]

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