White Arrows/Tame Impala Show Proves Some Places In L.A. Do Have A Dress Code

by Emily Green · June 30, 2010

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    If you've been adhering to the 'no shoes, no shirt, no service' adage to get by around L.A., you probably haven't run into any problems. In a city with virtually no dress code whatsoever, hoodies and Uggs at Mr. Chow are totally acceptable, and even expected. But evidently some select territories are exceptions to the rule, namely the Silverlake Lounge. A packed, sweaty show last night featuring Tame Impala and the White Arrows suggests the venue's strict policy of guests having long, preferably dirty, hair. However, if you're not rocking a gnarly mop, an SLR camera best be around your neck if you want to gain entry.

    The electro/psychedelic bands drew a cramped crowd of young, nouveau-hippie types who swayed and nodded to the night's far-out tunes.  Even though guests were squished all up in each others' thrift store plaid, the night would not have been complete without some thick hipster funk in the warm, musty air.