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The good people at KROQ understand better than most the importance of supplying this town with a constant flow of solid jams from new and emerging bands. With their Locals Only Showcase, they present a monthly concert series that gives us the opportunity to experience L.A.'s rising rock talents and this week brought the show to On The Rox with sets from NO, Beach Party and The New Limb.

Wednesday's showcase even seemed to spark that tingly feeling we got from high school house parties we've been missing as adults and totally took for granted as teenagers. Sure, the night did not have the high school house party hallmarks of a keg and looming threat of cops coming to break up the fun at any moment, but there's something about a local rock band playing a smaller venue that evokes the free and wild, if not rebellious, spirit of our teen years. Have look at our photos in the slideshow from Wednesday's show with Beach Party to see for yourself.

And for those who want to get in on the local action and maybe miss the smell of teen spirit, there will be another KROQ Locals Only showcase featuring Youngblood Hawke and DJ Hollywood Julio on November 28th at On The Rox.