Slide #3

::Wednesday, April 24::

Caveman at Echo
Plenty of bands customize their equipment and recording space in order to fine-tune their sound, but how many bands make their own guitars? The only one we can think of is Brooklyn's Caveman, whose guitarist Jimmy "Cobra" Carbonetti owns a custom guitar shop on the Lower East Side. And Caveman's sound is indeed unique; well-structured blurs of sound that build reliably but never predictably and always seem ready to break out at a moment's notice. According to a profile on, of all places, the Red Bull website, they made their first fans when a friend who worked at a popular Manhattan bar started playing their demo tape and patron after patron seemed to ask about it. That bodes well for how their sound will come across in the intimacy of The Echo, as they share the stage with Henry Wolfe and April residents So Many Wizards. [Details] [via]
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