Slide #5

David Duchovny: Porn
Okay,so this one is a little more "strange addiction" than it is "weird way to get high," but po-tay-to, po-tah-to, right? Anyway, despite starring on two hit TV shows, marrying Tea Leoni (it was a bigger deal in the 90's), and earning the unique praise of being called "X-Tremely Sexy" in Playgirl, Dave ended up having to check himself into rehab for sex addiction in 2008. But he wasn't finally consummating a decade of flirting with Scully or shtupping the tennis instructor like the gossip rags originally reported; instead he was apparently suffering from an addiction to good old internet porn. Now, a lot of guys might read that sentence and wonder just what qualifies as a porn "addiction," but don't worry, fellas, the quiz I just found seems to indicate that you have to prefer porn to sex and feel ashamed about the quantity and type of porn you watch in order to qualify as an "addict." Either way, it's a bad look for an attractive, rich Hollywood star, and I would never ask him to borrow his laptop, even if I really needed to check my flight status or something. [via]
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